
5 Reasons to Book a Bridal Portrait Session


Every couple getting married wants the best photos of their big day, but capturing everything they want — just how they want it — during those few hectic and often chaotic hours can be a real challenge.

One way that some brides ensure the best photography results is by having a second photo session. Known as a bridal portrait session, this separate addition to your wedding preparations benefits everyone in several ways. Here are five reasons you might want to order a bridal portrait session.

1. It’s Preparation for the Wedding

Think of the bridal portrait session, often held several weeks in advance, as a dry run for the wedding. Many brides schedule their photo shoot to coincide with their hair and makeup rehearsals or trials. This allows you to see your entire bridal look in action and see how it looks in photographs. If you aren’t completely satisfied, you still have time for alterations. 

2. It Gives You More Time

Time is one of the most valuable commodities on the wedding day, and things can end up being much more rushed than the couple expects. As time slips away, opportunities to experiment with unusual photos, props, or locations also slip away. You may end up with just a fraction of the shots you wanted. A separate session — without the time constraints — buys all the time you need to have a great shoot. 

3. It’s Not as Stressful

Are you nervous about the big day? Some brides aren’t comfortable with the attention, the formality, or the big guest list. Unfortunately, nervousness can easily translate into less ideal pictures and stifle your natural charm and happiness. 

A bridal session involves very few people — often just the bride, the photographer, and an assistant — and is a completely different environment. The result can be a much more relaxed subject and a more enjoyable time. It also helps a hesitant bride get more comfortable in front of the camera so she’ll have better photo sessions later too. 

4. It Allows Location Changes

Because the bridal portrait session is for the bride herself, she often chooses a different setting than will be used for the rest of the pictures. Not only does this give variety to the wedding album but it also opens up more possibilities. 

This is a time to let your imagination go. You might have in mind a setting that’s special to you as an individual or a spot that reflects your particular personality, like the stables with your favorite horse. It could be up in the mountains or on a beach far enough away that it would never be possible on the wedding day. It could even be the polar opposite of the wedding vibe. 

5. It Isn’t Limited to the Gown

Your wedding portraits on the day of your nuptials will likely consist of your bridal gown (or gowns) and perhaps a few pictures taken while getting dressed. But a separate bridal shoot is a chance to take photos in different attire or with unexpected props.

Some brides include a boudoir session designed specifically as a gift for their partner. Others might mix and match clothing, such as mixing their veil with a casual outfit or pairing the gown with their favorite boots. Feel free to have fun with and beyond the wedding look. 

Where to Learn More

Want to know more about how a bridal portrait session works? Ready to add one to your to-do list? If so, start by meeting with LV Photography. We provide all the services you need to achieve your best wedding photographs before and during your nuptials. Call today to make an appointment and learn about our bridal photo shoot options.



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